How To Remove Footer Credit Links In Blogger Template
Hello visitors, starting a new blog and setting up new theme in your blogger blog?. Currently many many blogger templates have footer credit links. If we remove them it will redirect you to theme designer site. But now you can remove them without any redirection.The template designer added their credits in the template footer and provide free version to their users. Because they want , you buy their templates with full supports and then they remove their credits from the footer.But here we gonna show you how you’re able to remove footer credit link from blogger templates easily,without redirection.
👉Remove javascript: Its Hard work irritating & time-consuming.because it needs lots of effort to find that links and remove all the credit.
👉Hide copyright link via CSS: This a very simple code also add this code is not taking a long time.
Here we discuss second method for better results.
First of all go to www.blogger.comsite.➤Log In to your account and go to your dashboard and select your blog.➤Go to your "Template" section by right side options.➤Now click on "Edit HTML" button and click on anywhere inside the code.➤Press CTRL + F and a window will showing in the right side upper corner.➤There simply right "Copyright" and go to the footer area or write “Footer” then you can also going there. Here you see some code with tags.➤When you find credit / footer link which we want to remove or hide. There you see different tags on different templates like Designed by, Credits, Copyright etc.
Add a class name 'copy-hide' in copyright div, as below,
<div id="copyrightslink' class='copy-hide'
$('.copy-hide').css('width', '0'); $('<div class="copyrights"> Designed By: <a href="#"> Your Name </a> </div>').insertAfter('.copy-hide');
Hope You are like this and it will helpful to you. Also share you thought in the comment section below and send me your other suggestions / feedback about this article.
Now add style="visibility: hidden"
style="opacity: 0"
style="opacity: 0"
Still not able to hide or remove credit links? Then follow my below step
Next add below JavaScript function in your script area
Also Used Below Script to Hide Template Credit Its Works Many Of Templates.
setTimeout(function(){$('.ty_footer_copyright').css('height', '0').css('font-size', '0'); $(' Copyrights My Website ').insertAfter('.cpleft');},200);
Change URL and name as you want. That's It;